I was the new guy at my place of work’s IT department. Part of the training is shadowing someone who has been there a while by basically following them around for a few weeks until I got the lay of the land and learn how they do things at this place.
We got a ticket for an issue, so off we were to investigate. The end user, an older lady, had a lot of typical motivational phrases and posters plastered all over her cubicle. Very stereotypical stuff: cat hanging in the tree with “hang in there!” placed below it, “We can do it!” poster, etc etc you get the idea. My coworker took lead as the end user walked off. Now my coworker was the type to read everything out loud, even things not relevant. While we were waiting for something to load on the computer, he started reading the posters out loud.
Coworker: Live. Laugh. Love.
Me: Hail Satan
I face palmed pretty hard. Fortunately my coworker has a pretty good sense of humor and had a good chuckle about it.