Throw it over them mountains

My wife and I were taking a stroll around our new property, watering our plants, enjoying the breeze, just having a nice time just being together.

She asked if I wanted to walk by the creek with her – I’ll never turn down an opportunity for a romantic stroll with my wife. With the creek being on the lower part of the property, we needed to head down the hill, but the pathway was covered with pine needles which didn’t help with traction. My wife decided she needed to use the rake to clear out the pathway.

After walking around the creek, we head back towards the house. As we are about to get to the pathway to walk back up the hill, I grab the rake she had left leaning against a tree

My wife and I make eye contact as soon as I grab the rake, long wooden pole and all



Me: Want to see how far I can throw this?


She practically tackled me to get the rake out of my hands. Pretty sure I could have thrown the rake over them mountains.