A telltale sign of an ADHD individual is not just poor impulse control, but often being disorganized – Never cleaning up after themselves, forgetting important objectives, putting items in the wrong place or just forgetting to put them back. This post is about the latter
After moving out to the mountains, some friends from back home flew into town to spend some time with me (also to play loads of video games and eat copious amounts of meat). Of course the first thing I do is give them a tour of the new property. I show them the living room, kitchen, office, garage… then we get to my bedroom. Before I can really point anything out, my friend starts into a fit of laughter
Me: What? What are you laughing about?
Friend: Oh I’m just… I’m just admiring your nightstand. You have a bottle of water, some ear plugs, a handgun, and… and a fucking copy of Perfect Dark on Nintendo 64
Me: All of the nighttime essentials
I’m actually not sure where my N64 is, but here is the nightstand